Chapter 6: Curl in the Canyons
Past the normal vector, you will invariably stumble upon the canyons. The canyons were originally made in a natural process
during spring time in the mountains, when the snow and ice melted and eroded massive gulleys in
the course down the mountains. The truth is, however, there is nothing natural about these canyons anymore.
I personally am a sucker for a majestic landscape. There are a lot of people like me
in the world. That's what draws us into these canyons. The beautiful wildflowers and life amidst the stream. If you
look a little closer, the wildflowers are all annuals, and the landscape is scarred. Unfortunately, the canyons have been
hijacked by cannibals.
Here's what happens. You, an unsuspecting traveller in the foothills in the mountains, comes across a canyon. You are drawn to
the beauty of the canyon and enter. As you enter, gazing softly at the bright-colored flowers and greenery, the cannibals
watch along the tops of the cliffs. When you are far enough inside the walls, they signal up ahead to open the flood
gates, which have been constructed for the very purpose of drowning victims. The cannibals then feast upon your washed up corpse.
This eventually happens to everyone on the gradient. I personally am missing a limb at this point, having woken up to see some srawny, mangy
excuse for a human feasting on me like a turkey leg.
The truth is, the modern canyon has simply become a tool for the cannibals. It's something I've been meaning to get around to
fixing, but I just simply don't have the time to round up all these mutts at this point in my life. There's just too many of them. Eventually,
somebody will do something about this, but for now, when you do come across a canyon, enter at your own peril. Either that, or
build a raft first.
Chapter 7: The Emergence of Competence
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